Live Event Painting is a unique and entertaining service where an artist creates a painting for the clients during the event.

It is mesmerizing to watch, and the work of art produced will be cherished for a lifetime.


Live Paint Section Info

How it works ?

Time required per painting: Each group of guests will have their painting completed within 10 minutes, with a maximum of two people per group.

Overall process: I will draw on an iPad and then print it out on Polaroid paper and mount it on a pre-prepared backing card. The above costs are included in the price.

*Please note that an overtime fee of $1000 per hour will be charged, with every half hour counted as one hour


整體過程:我會以iPad 繪畫再Polaroid 相紙印出並貼上已準備好的底卡上,以上費用已包括於收費內。


Facility Requirements: A table and chairs for the artist and guests will be needed. Please try to arrange the location to have a charging station. If this is not possible, please inform the artist so they can bring their own power bank.



1.If a group of three friends want to paint together, or include their dog, is that possible?

A: No problem, but for three people, the painting time will increase by 3-5 minutes.

2: If a group has more than one person, and they want a painting each, can you print an extra Polaroid for them? Will there be an extra charge?

A: I will print an extra copy for them, and there will be no extra charge.

1. 如果有客人想三個朋友一起畫,或者加只狗,請問是可以的嗎?


2. 如果一組客人多過一人,佢們想一人要一張畫,你可以印刷多一份拍立得給他們嗎?會需要加錢嗎?


 Contact us.

  • Please Feel free to email

    if you have any requires or questions about the live paint event.

  • @lineability