The Cat’s Return (2005)

Compare to Spirited away or movie like the Wind Raises, The Cat’s Return is not those movie that will make you have “deep thoughts”.

It is a simple story with interesting plot, as an adult I think the story plot is quite easy to guess, yet the personalities of the characters are very loveable.

I agreed this comment on Rotten Tomato “I was thoroughly entertained by the creative and strange story of a young girl and her adventures in a world of cats.”

I watched the movie when I was a kid and at that point of time I didn’t have my lovely cats yet so I do not have a strong feeling about all cats in this film, yet now watching it again it heals me with all these adorable fluffy characters.

I’d recommend you to watch it if you want a relax and interesting comedy to watch on weekends. You will certainly regain a good mood from work after watching it.


The Secret World of Arrietty (2010)


Spirited Away (2001)