Perfect Days (2023)

English Version At Blow









I've been familiar with this film for some time now. A friend of mine mentioned that his friend would often tease him, saying he's just like the protagonist in this movie - like a lonely old man. After watching the film, I could indeed see glimpses of my friend in this character.

They are both quiet people, deeply attached to the things they enjoy. Like going to the same cafe every day, ordering the same meal, occasionally finding a corner to sit and observe the trees, taking out a camera to capture the most ordinary moments.

I think there's something quite nice about that - no major ups and downs, no dramatic moments. But when I see the protagonist resting alone in his house, turning off the lights at the end of the day, I can't help but feel a sense of melancholy about his solitude.

This made me reflect more deeply on the concept of freedom and its costs. The brilliance of this film lies in its silent articulation of the difficulty - perhaps even the impossibility - of simultaneously attaining the companionship of others while strictly adhering to one's own way of living, as a certain philosopher once said, most of our troubles stem from other people.

In the majority of his time living alone, the protagonist is able to exist within the self-constructed "comfort zone" of his own making. In the first half of the film, his life appears perfectly fine - he is living within his own secured realm, occasionally encountering strangers or minor inconveniences (like a subordinate asking to borrow money), but everything is still within his control.

However, one can never fully escape the connections to society and other people. When faced with his sister, and her mentioning of their father's situation (along with a hint of reproach), the calm facade of the protagonist's life is immediately shattered.

I feel the film subtly points out the unresolvable contradictions that many of us face in life. Most of the time, we can only choose to ignore these issues or try to live as best we can, diverting our attention to temporarily alleviate the problems, waiting for time to eventually dilute them. The protagonist's final expression, a mixture of laughter and tears, I believe, encapsulates the futility of this human condition. Happiness and sorrow coexist, just as freedom has its own inescapable costs.


Setting up my studio


夜河白船 しらかわよふね (2015)