夜河白船 しらかわよふね (2015)

English Version At Blow














Walking in the cold mist, they arrived at a gray beach where the sea was bleak and the sea breeze was piercingly cold.

"It's so cold," she said, rubbing her hands incessantly.

Ganyu and Terasu stood by the sea, sometimes lost in thought, sometimes walking, without saying a word the just embracing each other occasionally.

The entire movie was slow-paced, and despite being only 90 minutes long, it felt like I had watched three hours.

Excerpt from online annotations: Derived from a folk story: a person falsely claimed to have been to Kyoto, and when asked about Shirakawa, the person mistakenly thought it was the name of a river. So they answered that they didn't know because they crossed this "river" at night on a boat.

“夜河白船" refers to deep slumber, where one sleeps soundly without understanding but pretends to know everything. The film captures that hazy feeling, where everyone is lonely, sinking yet aware, whether it's Terasu, Ganyu, or Shiho. They all seem to know that they can't continue like this, but they are willing to sleep in the current dream.

Terasu likes Ganyu, and it seems that Ganyu feels the same way. It can be seen from the smiles at the corner of their mouths and the exchange of gazes. However, Ganyu is a married man, and his wife is in a vegetative state.

In the middle of the film, Terasu's life slowly turns into a nightmare, and Ganyu seems to be the only thing left in her life. Apart from Ganyu, the only person who appears in her mind is her deceased friend, Shiho. She is only awake when Ganyu calls.

Life is reduced to sleep, while the other half remains in memories, and the self is slowly consumed. However, Ganyu is not just concerned about Terasu; he also worries about his wife, who is a vegetable. Her presence is still felt in his daily life.

I really liked the scene where they were walking in the streets of Tokyo, surrounded by crowds, unable to see the fireworks due to the obstructed view. But Terasu held Ganyu's hand and said, "It's okay, as long as we can hear the sound."

In the crevices of the buildings, they stood and looked up, their shadows extending and intertwining amidst the rising fireworks.

"夜河白船" is like a state of being, something that some people may have experienced or maybe not. This film is truly slow paced , just like those blurry, half-awake, half-asleep moments in life. It feels like a slow, chaotic night of insomnia. The whole movie is hazy, tired, and unable to make sense of logic. It takes you through the crowd, just strolling, and when you wake up, everything disappears without a trace.

After watching the movie, the only image I remember is walking in the bone-chilling wind during winter. Unlike typical movies, the sea was not blue but rather a bleak white. Terasu held onto Terasu's hands for warmth, and Terasu, slightly lowering his head, looked at Terasu, and said, "Isn't it pitiful to be loved?"

It is as a poetic and introspective film, its deliberate pacing and abstract narrative style may not appeal to all audiences, but for those who appreciate atmospheric and thought-provoking cinema, it offers a unique and immersive experience.


Of course, it is understood to cheat inside a movie , but in reality, it's not acceptable to be cheating even you are as handsome as Arata Iura.


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